Wednesday, November 5, 2014

10 Habits You SHOULD Have

Ever wonder if there is a recipe for being skinny? Or how skinny people manage to keep themselves skinny and the pounds off? According to David Zinczenko of Men's Health, writer for ABC News' website has some insight into the lifestyle habits that help skinny people stay skinny. Below are a few of their successful habits:

1. Eat an early dinner. Researchers have found that people who eat dinner regularly at 8PM ingested more calories and carried more body fat than people who ate dinner earlier; between 5:30-7:00PM.

2. Eat breakfast. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast were 4.5 times more likely to be obese than people who eat a healthy breakfast. Eating within 30-45 minutes of waking up is optimal in order to kick start your metabolism for the day.

3. Drink water. Skip the sugary soda and swap it out for a tall, refreshing glass of water. People who make the switch lose as much as 23 pounds per year! Start small--if you're a regular soda drinker, swap out one soda a day and gradually cut soda out for good.

4. Order a la carte. People who order combo meals consume almost 2 times as many calories as people who order a la carte. For those who are unfamiliar with 'a la carte', it simply means separate items with separate pricing. That way you can pick what you want instead of settling for a combo meal.

5. Manage stress. Some people are really good at delaying stress and keeping buried, but that is not a healthy response. Research shows that dealing with life's stressors can lead to weight gain. Everyone has things in their lives that stresses them out whether it be school, work, family or a combination of things--manage the stress one day at a time and don't let it build up.

6. Chew thoroughly. I am guilty of inhaling my food and eating every meal like it's my last. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who chew their food slowly consume fewer calories than people who eat quickly, like yours truly. Cut up your food into small bites, drink water between bites and enjoy your food.

7. Eat whole grains. Replacing highly processed grains with wholesome whole grains help keep off the belly fat. Although some people say that you should limit your carbohydrate intake, making the switch to whole grains can definitely reduce the risk of serious weight gain.

8. Get a good night's sleep. Getting between six to eight hours each night will help keep your appetite under control and your willpower strong enough to resist those high calorie snacks. I understand this isn't the easiest thing to do, but sleep should be a high priority on everyone's list.

9. Laugh. A study from the International Journal of Obesity found that laughing for 15 minutes each day can burn up 40 calories. The math comes out that in a year, you can lose up to 4 pounds via laughing. Life doesn't always have to be so serious, giggle a little bit and unwind. Laugh at yourself!

10. Reward yourself. Establishing a healthy routine is a very hard thing to accomplish so remember to reward yourself for sticking to it. Food should really not be used as a reward, so use something else that you like--spa treatment, getting your nails done, shopping spree or something else.

I believe that this list is very helpful in developing a healthy routine to help lose or maintain your weight. It's not easy to change your lifestyle overnight so small changes is the way to go. This information was taken from Skinny News magazine.


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