Majority of people believe that the only source of protein is red meat or animal protein...but you and I, we aren't the majority and we know better. There are tons of other non-animal product sources that people can get their protein from. Vegetarians and vegans have been thriving for hundreds of years without consuming a single serving of animal products--so how are they getting their protein?
First off, why do we need protein? What does it do? Protein can be found throughout the body--in your muscles, bones, skin, hair and tissues. It makes up enzymes that fuel many of the chemical reactions in your body as well as the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood.
As I'm sure you've come to know, everyone's daily dietary requirements are different but adult men need about 56 grams a day and adult women require about 46 grams per day. Everything we eat today is super sized and super-processed which makes it super not food for us. For example, increased amounts of animal protein increases one's risk for diabetes, heart disease and of course, obesity.
Protein can also be found in fish and chicken as well as steak and pork. As for our non-protein sources I have a whole list for ya!!
1. Lentils: these little guys pack about 18 grams of protein per cup
2. Quinoa: this fun germ provides about 8 grams per cup as well
3. Chickpeas: one cup of these gives you about 12 grams of protein per cup
4. Beans: there are TONS of different types of beans out there but luckily most pack about 10-18 grams of protein per cup!
5. Greek Yogurt: 1 container of Greek yogurt can give you about 17 grams of protein
6. Nut Butter: two tablespoons of peanut, almond and cashew butter gives you about 8 grams of protein
7. Hemp Powder: one cup of these super seeds gives you about 10 grams of protein
8. Green Veggies: one cup of cooked spinach has about 7 grams, two cups of cooked kale gives you about 5 grams and boiled peas packs about 9 grams of protein
9. Almond Milk: 1 cup of soy or almond milk can pack about 7-9 grams of protein
10. Tofu: 4 oz. can get you about 9 grams of protein, for relatively cheap!
These are just a few great substitutions for animal sources of protein. I just want to clarify that I'm not saying that you should stop eating meat, but the amount of animal protein we consume is starting to have adverse effects on our health. I am a carnivore like my Prehistoric ancestors, but everything in moderation is key!